17th, Aug 2023

Ontario invited candidates under three Employer Job Offer Streams

On August 15, 2023, the Government of Ontario held new draws in the Employer Job Offer: Foreign Worker Stream (EJO FW), International Student Stream (EJO IS) and In-Demand Skills Stream (EJO IDS) of the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP).

The province issued 1,506 invitations to apply (ITAs) to the eligible candidates through the EJO FW Stream and 853 ITAs under the EJO IS Stream with a minimum score of 61.

Under the EJO IDS, the province invited 256 candidates with a minimum score of 26. In total, OINP issued invitations to 28,412 candidates in 2023.

#OINP, #Ontario, #Employer_Job_Offer, #foreign_workers, #EJO_IDS, #EJO_FW #EJO_IS


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